Ajay Malalikar

Software Engineer



University of Southern California

Master of Science in Computer Science

August 2015 - May 2017 (expected)

GPA: 3.90/4


Gogte Institute of Technology

Bachelors in Computer Science and Engineering

August 2008 - June 2012

GPA: 80/100


Platform9 Systems
Software Engineering Intern
Sunnyvale (USA)
May 2016 – August 2016
Intuit India
Software Developer
Bangalore (India)
January 2015 – July 2015
Persistent Systems Limited
Senior Software Engineer
Pune (India)
October 2012 – December 2014


Weenix Kernel

Operating Systems

Developed key features of operating systems like File System Management, Process and Thread excution and life cycle, Virtual Memory Management and User Programs Management.

Technology: C

Inference Engine

Artificial Intelligence

Built an inference engine to find what information can be inferred from given set of data using first order logic and backward chaining algorithm.

Technology: Python

Mancala Game

Artificial Intelligence

Implemented next move predictor agent in a two person game called Mancala using Greedy algorithm, Minimax algorithm and Alpha-Beta pruning algorithm. Used different heuristics to increase the chances of winning for current player.

Technology: Java, Python

Spam Detector

Natural Language Processing

Developed an engine to classify emails as spam or not spam using Naïve Bayes theorem. Used machine learning to learn the function from learning data and applied the function to classify the given email.

Technology: Python


Mobile application / CRM

Developed an CRM app which will assist the sales representatives with their day to day by keeping track of the customers and giving the best information to increase the productivity of the representative. App provided support like maps, past customer history, surveys etc.

Technology: Python Flask, AngularJS, Azure services

Stock Market Predictor

Web application

Developed web application that provides a detailed description of stock market data of public listed companies. It also shows graphical representation of data, the news feed, adding to personal favorites, sharing on social media etc.

Technology: Java, Php, AngularJS, Bootstrap, Amazon AWS, Markit-on-demand rest api

Token bucket emulation


Emulated a traffic shaper which transmits packets controlled by a token bucket filter. Designed token generator, consumer and token bucket. Used multi-threading concepts to run independent tasks in parallel.

Technology: C, Pthread library

Support Chat


Built a mobile app for private cloud to show alerts to customers regarding their resources’ error states using Ceilometer apis. Integrated the chat server for the customers to directly contact the support regarding the alerts and raise the Zendesk tickets.

Technology: Node, Web Sockets, Mongo db, Angular JS, React Native


Programming LanguagePython, C/C++, Java
DatabasesSQL Server, MySql, MongoDb
Web TechnologiesHTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, AngularJs
CloudAWS, Microsoft Azure, Openstack apis
OtherREST apis, Design Patterns, SDLC
Operating SystemsUnix flavors (Ubuntu, Linux, Centos), Mac, Windows

Other tools and techlogies with which I have played with:

C#, Asp.Net MVC, Ansible, Bash Scripting, Bootstrap, PHP, Node.Js, Couchdb, Nginx, Apache, Docker, XML, JSON, Web Sockets and many more...